
Abstract processor module.

Added in version 0.9.5:

  • Add to abstract processors such like Parsers (loaders and dumpers).

class anyconfig.models.processor.Processor

Bases: object

Abstract processor class to provide basic implementation.

  • _type: type indicates data types it can process

  • _priority:

    Priority to select it if there are others of same type from 0 (lowest) to 99 (highest)

  • _extensions: File extensions of data type it can process


This class ifself is not a singleton but its children classes should so in most cases, I think.

_cid: ClassVar[str] = ''
_type: ClassVar[str] = ''
_priority: ClassVar[int] = 0
_extensions: tuple[str, ...] = ()
classmethod cid()

Processor class ID.

Return type:


classmethod type()

Processors’ type.

Return type:


classmethod priority()

Processors’s priority.

Return type:


classmethod extensions()

Get the list of file extensions of files it can process.

Return type:

tuple[str, ...]

classmethod __eq__(other)

Test equality.

Return type:



Provide a string representation.

Return type:


__annotations__ = {'_cid': 'typing.ClassVar[str]', '_extensions': 'tuple[str, ...]', '_priority': 'typing.ClassVar[int]', '_type': 'typing.ClassVar[str]'}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'anyconfig.models.processor', '__annotations__': {'_cid': 'typing.ClassVar[str]', '_type': 'typing.ClassVar[str]', '_priority': 'typing.ClassVar[int]', '_extensions': 'tuple[str, ...]'}, '__doc__': 'Abstract processor class to provide basic implementation.\n\n    - _type: type indicates data types it can process\n    - _priority:\n        Priority to select it if there are others of same type from 0 (lowest)\n        to 99 (highest)\n    - _extensions: File extensions of data type it can process\n\n    .. note::\n       This class ifself is not a singleton but its children classes should so\n       in most cases, I think.\n    ', '_cid': '', '_type': '', '_priority': 0, '_extensions': (), 'cid': <classmethod(<function Processor.cid>)>, 'type': <classmethod(<function Processor.type>)>, 'priority': <classmethod(<function Processor.priority>)>, 'extensions': <classmethod(<function Processor.extensions>)>, '__eq__': <classmethod(<function Processor.__eq__>)>, '__str__': <function Processor.__str__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Processor' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Processor' objects>, '__hash__': None})
__hash__ = None
__module__ = 'anyconfig.models.processor'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)